This movie should be called Bridge of Crap!
8 January 2001
This movie sucks really bad, even for a B Grade action movie. Dolph Lundgren needs to get some decent roles, I don't mind the big fella, but his recent movies are terrible.

This movie is supposed to be set in China, but it doesn't look much like China, and most of the people in the film aren't even Chinese. Then you have Dolph Lundgren and friends working for the Chinese as Soldiers of Fortune or something? Who knows?

Basically there is a evil General (is there any other sort?) who wants to marry a Princess (who is a bit of a hottie) and the evil General killed her father the King. So the Princess, with the help of big Dolph, saves the empire in big Dolph fashion by killing the General.

The two things that really annoyed me about this movie:

1) Set in some country that you can't work out... is it China or what?

2) The props. It appears the Chinese army in this movie shop at the Nazi Army Surplus... everything the soldiers used was straight from a WWII movie, i.e. Nazi helmets, sub-machine guns, Lugers, those Nazi bike with sidecars... the props department just stripped off the Swastikas and used them in the movie.

Avoid this movie at all costs if you have any sense.
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