God awful film
27 September 2000
I was utterly prepared to really like this film. A big fan of James Wong from both the X-Files and Space:A&B, this film is a disaster. Disaster is perhaps the wrong word as it seems to play out exactly as the film makers intended it, which I suppose is a different thing than a disaster. I will save you one torture I had to endure throughout the film: there is no twist. If you've seen the trailer, you know exactly what happens in the film! No Sixth Sense, no Usual Suspects, heck, not even an April Fool's Day (check it out for a much better Dead Teenager movie). This was the big disappointment of the movie.

This would not have necessarily doomed the movie if it had not been so dreadfully lacking in a sense of humour. In the post-Scream horror era, a dead teenager movie taking it seriously is bound to fail. This is not to say that every dt has to be a spoof now, but some tongue in cheek here and there would have greatly filled out the movie. Or perhaps to have lightened the sledgehammer with which the director drives home every single plot point in the movie...ugh. I wanted to punch this movie in the face by the time it was done.
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