Generally pretty good, if it weren't for THOSE lines!
9 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers

Let me start off by saying, that I'm a guy, and I saw this movie for 1.75, alone, without any female dragging me to it. But, I was pleasantly surprised, and didn't waste my money. Natalie Portman is, of course, a babe, and a good enough actress. Ashley Judd, also well done. The story, random and episodic (others have cited this as well) as it is, actually was sweet and heartwarming. But there are a few issues. First, the Wal-Mart thing. A Wal-Mart cashier commented that she wouldn't be able to sleep there undetected. And, after she has the baby, Wal-Mart gives her $500, and a job! Why would they do this, when Novalee has been trespassing and STEALING (see the "I owe Wal-Mart" notebook scene) for six weeks?? It's giving 16-year old girls the wrong idea about pregnancy and motherhood, that's for sure. (SPOILER APPROACHING) And then there's Fourney. Poor Fourney. Here is a guy who falls in love with Novalee, accepts her child, and is in general an all-around great guy. He tells her he loves her, and what does she say? "Fourney, you're the best friend I could ever ask for. . ." "Novalee. . .do you love me?" "No, Fourney, I don't, not that way." As a guy who has heard lines like that from girls thousands of times, it took Every ounce of willpower I had to avoid yelling "BOOOOO!!!" very loudly. If it weren't for that, "Where the Heart Is" would have gotten a 7, but I've gotta downgrade it to a 5.
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