I watched this show in production.
16 October 2003
This show was shot at the Agincourt CFTO studio of CTV. I was then a teenager (Bill Gregory Terlecki), and waiting around to sit in for extra work on a neighboring set of FAMOUS JURY TRIALS. With time to kill, I wandered over to the TRACY set to admire this fascinating process.Things halted when the scene called for ice cubes in a glass of scotch, but of course, none were to be found. I said to one of the production people to crumple up some cellophane wrap and jam that in and pour the liquid over it...not only would the lights pick up the refraction, but the "cubes" would not melt and the effect would be lasting. They did this, and it seemed to work as the show went on. I mention this as that memory stayed with me that the crew of both shows were very kind and appreciative to me at that wide-eyed age, and as my very first venture into TV, it was an honor that my suggestion was used. This show played late afternoons, and yes, it was always the same set, no outdoor scenes, but it was Canadian and well...gave work to many for a short time. It gave me the impetus to act.
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