Pretty good.
1 May 2000
I'm surprised that not that many people have voted or commented on this film yet. Compared to most of the modern animated versions of the Aladin story, this one seems to be the one the is the most accurate...or at least the most believable.

Now how can I be praising this film if I only gave it a 6? Simple, this version is not for everyone. No, there are no extremely violent scenes or harsh language or sexually explicit scenes...its just that this is not a laugh fest that will keep the children interested like Disney's version. This is a serious attempt in telling a great story like Aladin while not attempting to modernize it to suit today's viewers. So to those of you who are looking for something like Disney's version, don't even bother and it is to those people that I give this film a 6.

To those who love a good story simply because it is a good story and not because of who is doing the voices or how humorous the story is, I will say check this film out...if you can find it. Animation is actually good, story is good, and the music (especially the opening song) is excellent.
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