Review of Lloyd

Lloyd (2001)
The most depressing movie I've ever seen!
7 February 2002
I was channel surfing one day and saw this movie on HBO. Is it just me, or does this kid have Gary Coleman disease. He looks exactly the way he did when he was in "little giants"...In 1994!!! Its about this loser kid who is trying to find a way to show this girl he likes her. She shoots him down and starts making out with this handsome jerk, Storm(keep in mind this is about 5th graders). So he cries and feels sorry for himself. And it all resolves in the final climactic scene at the schools spaghetti dinner. Instead of the square dancing lloyds sopposed to do, HE DISCOS INSTEAD!!!! YEA LLOYD, STICK IT TO THE MAN!!!! This results to the classic (or tired) food fight scene. Then lloyd uses magic to put a cactus costume on Storm. And he falls down. AND EVERYBODYS HAPPY AGAIN. But the girl still doesn't like him though. This movie is unrealistic and depressing. I mean this kid is ugly, look at the picture above!!! This movie is obviously some nerd's fantasy. He really makes the girls in this movie mean. Example:

Girl 1: There is this one boy in my class who smells like a dog's fart.

Girl 2: That LLoyd kid looks like he came out of my hamster.

Girl 3: I just got a love note.

Girl 1: I get those all the time!

Girls dont say "fart"! This guy must of had a lousy childhood. Dont watch this movie if your depressed. You may get suicidal. But if you are one of us pretty people, sit back, pop this tape in the VCR and get ready to have a great time at the expense of ugly nerds!!!
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