Review of Lloyd

Lloyd (2001)
Not as Good as it Sounds.....
13 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution...

From seeing the description of this movie on my Digital Cable Guide, I figured it would be like another Revenge of the Nerds, a story about a quick-witted adolescent who vies for the love of a female classmate with a handsome class Cassanova. This wasn't the case. It was about a moping little wimp who, although he really doesn't look that bad (except for a really stupid haircut), feels sorry for himself constantly. He becomes smitten with a new female student in his remedial class, but a virulent, albeit handsome classmate ridicules him and steals his love interest. Lloyd begins to ignore his friends and family, obsessing with her. The whole thing is just mishandled. Because this kid has no cajones in defending his honor from this jerk, who even goes so far as to beat his best friend up on the playground, you can't really feel any sympathy for the character. He's just a dishrag with no personality. The one bright spot in this film is Lloyd's "disco sabotage" of "Western Night." But the ending is a cop-out. I won't say anymore, except that I was very disappointed with the poorly-drawn characters, and I would recommend you don't waste your time with this film. If you want a misfit-beats-bully-and-gets-the-girl film, rent 'Sidekicks" or watch one of the old Popeye cartoons. At least then you get to see some carnage.
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