The Test of Love (1999 TV Movie)
Fine Film
15 November 2001
So you're on the runway ready for take-off. Woah the engines kick in and the movie lurches forward, first minute we are into the air. The story starts building altitude.

The movie is inclining at near 45 degrees here. Twenty minutes in and a whole load of story has happened, this can't be. Your gripping your seat sure the movie will stall. Do they realize the better you make the start the further you have to fall when you stall.

Maybe if you have the finance or a big enough engine we can keep this up. Enter Kristina Malota... this little girl makes the movie for me. She adapts the character through the movie brilliantly. Either the director nursed a great performance or this girl has natural talent.

The story is good, the subplots are supporting but not intrusive, the balance of the story is good, not letting any of the story lag and break the flow. This really is a bizarrely good movie.

Or at least I thought so. I have watched a lot of these afternoon cheap romantic/drama movies and this is the only one where I did not look at the clock to find out how long until the interesting conclusion happens.

It's a quick on the way in and fast on the way out. It does not have clever twists or turns it's just good story telling.

Oh yes, and we plateau'd at a high altitude, then coasted in for a solid landing.
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