First Best in Show, and now this. Comedy Returns Big.
7 October 2000
This is a hilarious movie that provoked uncontrolled laughter in the theater, though people standing outside in line for their tickets were generally unamused.

Finally, De Niro does a great job in a movie where he isn't a mob boss or a cop. Stiller and everybody else are also quite good in this.

I like the way the De Niro character is revealed bit by bit. We think we know him, and then we see something new. This continues throughout the movie, so things stay interesting. I'll never look at a lie detector again without thinking of this film.

One of the most amusing moments is when Ben Stiller has to say grace. The movie telegraphs his prayer, though. Pay attention to the music playing when Stiller and De Niro visit the drugstore, and you'll know what his prayer becomes.

It's a pleasure to see what Hollywood can do when talent prevails over pubesence.
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