Review of Grass

Grass (1999)
Not so much pro-cannabis as anti-government
24 October 2003
This documentary shows how scaremongering has influenced a generation of Americans, and how effective the power of hatred can be.

I don't smoke myself, so I cannot be accused of wanting the drug to be legalised for selfish reasons. The film gives a good argument based around how much money, and it's a ridiculously, comically large figure, has been wasted on the "War on Drugs". Because when you think about it, there would be no such thing as world hunger if even an eighth (no pun intended) of this money had been used all those years ago to better effect.

But we're skipping the film itself here. It's funny, fresh, fast-paced, has crazy visuals, and is entertaining aswell as education, and well worth your time.

It's a film paranoid parents and school-teachers should see, but they won't, it's up to our generation to make the change and to make more informative films like this.
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