Surprisingly mundane effort by Carpenter.
24 September 2001
Most people seem to be linking this film with an earlier John Carpenter film, "Attack on Precinct 13". Granted there are superficial resemblances. But the real comparison should be with Hammer films classic 1966 Sci-fi epic. "5 million years to earth".

Just change the location of '5 million' from London to Mars. Then change the witty intellectualism of the older film to wanton brutality and the films are pretty similar.

The main point of villiany is approximately the same. An ancient Martian lifeforce is brought back into being after eons of dormancy to plague the humans in the form of spiritual possession. Caught in the middle are a ragtag group of Martian colonist, some crooks and a small band security officers.

Plenty of good charactor actors appear in 'Ghosts of Mars'. Pam Grier, Joanna Cassidy, Robert Carridine. But all are sadly misused. Ex-Rapper turned Psuedo-actor Ice Cube does his increasingly annoying street wise punk routine. Underated actress Natasha Henstrige continues to prove she's more than just high quality eye candy. Unfortnately, she's given little to do but look good and talk tough.

Fact is 'Ghost of Mars' is little more than a 'check your brain at the door splatter fest'. It's great for those days when you want to escape pressures of life while not utilizing your brain.
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