A horror of a movie.
14 March 2001
This isn't as much a horror movie as a horror of a movie. It goes something like this. Throw in the usual decoys; a Goth chick who's hard outside but soft and chewy inside, a real Wiccan witch, whose petulant disdain for mere mortals is the entire range of her acting ability, and a really cool loft with a fallaway bridge for isolating the idiots who were stupid enough to get caught inside. Then have all the so-called actors yell and scream a lot to show how really deep they are.

But the grand prize goes to Jeffrey Donovan, who is so bad that even John Waters wouldn't cast him if they happened to run into each other somewhere on the streets of Baltimore. And if he did, he would have had the sense to play this crap for high camp, because playing it seriously only succeeds in producing a banal, juvenile and completely unimaginative dung heap.

What amazes me most is the bombastic and pretentious commentary track on the DVD. Is this guy for real? Does he really think dropping a litany of terms he picked up in film school is going to convince us that this is high art? Now that's scary!
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