Well-crafted sequel to a modern classic
6 June 2003
It's hard to believe it's been four years already since "The Matrix" was released. Much has happened in the world since then- the election debacle of 2000, the dot-com collapse and of course, 9/11. Given recent world events, it's tough to greet the release of "The Matrix Reloaded" without feeling a sense of nostalgia for the bygone era that produced it's predecessor. The first film, a mixture of the cyberpunk literary genre, superhero fantasy, kung-fu and John Woo-style gunplay, with a touch of Zen philosophy thrown in for good measure, arrived on the scene with little hype or fanfare. The movie was quickly embraced as a modern classic, a superb synthesis of popular cinematic styles that staked out new territory with its visual effects, especially the now-famous "bullet-time" concept that has subsequently been parodied or imitated in too many films to count. "The Matrix" won four Academy awards, including a well-deserved victory in the visual effects category.

"The Matrix Reloaded" is, in many ways, a far more ambitious picture. There is much to enjoy here, from the introduction of numerous new characters, to a more complex plot, to the last screen performance of actress Gloria Foster (The Oracle), and of course, fabulous visuals and action scenes. There is a scene involving a slice of chocolate cake that I found to be brilliant and very rich. The end result is a movie that is as thought-provoking as the original. A philosophical action movie for those who want a roundhouse kick to go with their koans.
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