Rejected (2000)
One of my favorite films of all time!!
26 April 2003
Like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", for me this film is a shot of pure cinematic joy. I could barely breathe from laughing so hard the first time I saw "Rejected" in a movie theater and to this day I can't stop smiling when I think about it. It is a masterpiece of surrealism and absurdism and there is not a second wasted in its 10 minutes. I feel really lucky to have found a film that is this free of pretension and unashamed in over-the-top spirit. And for those of you who like deeper meanings, there is plenty here to think about: psychology, sociology, and more directly, pop culture consumerism. Now that my family has the DVD we must have seen this several hundred times by now and it still does not get old. In short this film makes me happy. Very, very happy.

In response to "film-crazy"'s review: Don Hertzfeldt has stated many times that he's not happy with all the illegal bootlegs of his movies on the internet, so it saddens me that somebody here would recommend downloading bad quality versions of his cartoons instead of seeing them properly. Bootlegging is wrong but bootlegging an indie artist is despicable. Let's be more supportive please! Don's official site has all the info about where to see his movies properly
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