Review of Rejected

Rejected (2000)
Hilarious - the first time.
28 September 2004
It's interesting: I watched this short animation the day after watching 'Finding Nemo'. Now, I know that 'Nemo' isn't a straight out comedy, but if you take all of the bits of its 90+ minute running time which are supposed to be funny, I'm sure they at least add up to the 8 or 9 minutes of 'Rejected'. 'Finding Nemo' is a 50 or 100 million dollar extravaganza that looks like it was animated by God. 'Rejected' looks like it was drawn by a five year-old with no particular artistic ability, and produced on a budget that's probably below my fortnightly income. So how come I nearly cried laughing at 'Rejected', and didn't laugh at all during 'Nemo'? There is a lesson to be learned here: that ideas are more important than money. It's not like Hollywood hasn't learned this already, after 'Blair Witch Project'. I wonder how close we actually are to that kid winning the Oscar with a film shot on a camcorder?

Anyway, funny though it may be, 'Rejected' isn't a masterpiece. Probably not even a classic, and doesn't deserve 8.9. That's absurd. It is very clever, very funny and deliciously idiotic and surreal at times, but there isn't anything all that sophisticated about it. It was hilarious until I realized it was a prank; then it started being funny again _because_ it was a prank. It's basically a rather well embellished joke that lasts for eight minutes. The first time I watched it it was hilarious. The second time it was funny. The third time... well, I don't feel compelled to watch it again just yet.

7 out of 10, though.
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