This One does not deliver
5 November 2003
Rating: 7 out of 10. Directed by Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski.

As I left the theater I couldn't help but feel disappointed. The Matrix trilogy was 95% build up and 5% let down.

What were the Wachowski Brothers thinking? While 'The Matrix Revolutions' isn't an awful movie, it isn't an incredible one either. It did not not deliver the big ending that fans were hoping for. Most viewers were looking forward to a climax that was going to be surprising and amazing. So instead we saw something that is somewhat surprising, but simple and uninteresting.

The first move 'The Matrix' was entertaining and fun to watch even with all its flaws. The second movie 'The Matrix Reloaded' was also entertaining but not as fun to watch as the original. Unfortunately, 'The Matrix Revolutions' is barely entertaining and at times, will make the viewer feel melancholy.

If you must see this movie, see it as a matinee and keep your expectations low.
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