Wonderfully bonkers
9 November 2003
Mixed thoughts while watching this movie. One) That the special

effects are among the finest ever committed to celluloid. Two)

Trinity is one of the most fascinating heroines in recent years.

Three) When film-makers like The Wachowski brothers have

enough time and money, they can do anything Four) In creating a

universe where we're not sure what's real, the finale does leave

you wondering whether to cheer or wonder whether this is just

another red herring meant to confuse an already confused

audience. However, unlike many sniffy critics who have seen this as a

pretentious computer game, i loved it. Big clunky exoskeletons

fighting off big squid like machines is something never seen on

screen before and when you pay five quid for a movie, that's what

you want to see. Yes, much of the dialogue and logic is clunky but there are many

positive points here. Disappointing, fascinating, jaw-dropping, sexy, occasionally funny

and a feast for the senses. Well worth another look even though it

gives some the same effect as a scratch on the roof of your mouth

that just won't heal. Keep probing but eventually let it go. TMR is a

wonderful wound that may never heal.
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