Review of Sexbomb

Sexbomb (1989)
The cutest actress who ever graced film.
27 March 2004
Linnea Quigley is probably the cutest actress ever and has been one of my favorite actresses since Return of the Living Dead. I had seen her in earlier films like the Cheech & Chong movie, but she wasn't a name star at that time. I didn't start following her career until Return and have since watched every film before and after. I met her once at a film convention and we had an opportunity to chat prior to the opening. I was impressed how friendly and attentive she was to me as well as all her fans. She also came across as being very bright and very pleased with her life and career. I believe she said she was living with her parents at the time. I thought it was pretty cool that the family was still that important to her after fame. I think she would make a great motivational speaker because after we talked I felt like a million bucks.

Linnea Quigley stars mostly in horror films and horror-comedy films. I really don't like most of the movies, not my genre, and I like her better in comedies, but I do like Linnea Quigley and watch merely for that sake. Here she is pretty darn cute, dresses in cute clothes and does a cute topless scene. These are her hallmarks and here she does them as cute as ever. She isn't given that much to say or do and that is a shame. There are many more films which give her better roles and I urge you to seek them out. I still recommend this film because I really like her look in it which is more along the lines of her look in Vice Academy (though I didn't really like her character that much in that film) and she appears to be having a blast. If you want to see the cutest actress who every graced film SEXBOMB is the place.
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