Well what can you say!!!
25 September 2002
Hi all,

First Aidan from Dublin has his facts wrong a bit, Richard Harris played the prisoner Abbe Faria who helps Edmond, the warder was played by Michael Wincott, and wasted in a silly part.

Well on the plus side the set in the Chateau D'if was superb, the fencing (what there was of it) was ok, but Edmonds goatee when he was the Count left a lot to the imagination, it was awful...

Guy Pearce was good but seemed to hog the film with his character, and l think there could have been more prominant actors in the lead roles.

All in all it passed time, but l will not watch it again unlike the Richard Chamberlain 1974 version which is very good...

Marks out of 10....a reluctant 5
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