Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
For this great show, my first comment is about Jeremy Sisto
20 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
** This contains spoilers, but was written after the episode aired*** I have watched every episode of Six Feet Under, some several times. I think it was the best show on any channel this (2001) summer. I am going to post a more complete comment about the whole show later, but I wanted to comment on Jeremy Sisto's character of Billy while it is fresh in my mind. Billy really got on my nerves,and I was hoping Nate would just pop him once. How dare he control Brenda so much. And follow them to Vegas? I would have had him arrested. When Billy broke into Brendas' house, after cutting his tattoo out with a carpet knife, and was going to do the same to Brenda, I was hoping that when he fell, he wouldn't get up. Until I saw him in the scene in the hospital. When he described how he was feeling inside. He has such control of his facial expressions. It brought memories flooding back of when I had to commit my aunt to a mental ward.(I was 23, and she was my mom's identical twin.) She had been cutting herself with razor blades. She said very similar things. I was happy that she was able to "get out" with the help of medication and therapy. She went on to be my best friend until she passed away with cancer.

That Jeremy Sisto, in his character of Billy, could trigger such intense feelings is a tribute to his skill, and the writers and directors of SFU. I was so drawn in that he wasn't Jeremy, he WAS Billy. I can't remember another actor that has brought out the range of emotions in ME that Jeremy has. I don't think I could think of a higher tribute to an actor.
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