13 February 2004
Last week I saw Nobody Needs To Know at the roxie for the San Francisco indie film festival. A beautiful black and white film with great music. Definitely my story. Just as I was thinking how much this was my personal story, all of a sudden, Iris, the main character, which by the way looks amazing -starts playing the keyboard in one of her moments when shes board not knowing what her

purpose in this world is.. I have had so many moment like those but have never seen it in a movie before- when you are stuggling to find yourself , but the movie was also uplifting and very funny. The way the director portrays the nobodys of this world making them pop in and out of the screen was really unique. There was also something about the rythm of the movie that made me feel as if time had slowed down along with the film. I spoke to the producer afterwards and told her how much I liked it, but felt I should also write something here. Great film.
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