22 January 2003
LIFE AS A HOUSE is one of those movies that seemed to have a great deal of potential when it was first released, but never managed to rise about the din of the pre-Oscar hype. Seeing it again on video was an eye-opening experience, for this film has all the makings of an underrated classic.

First of all, the Kapra-esque script by Mark Andrus is superb and unabashedly emotional. Call it syrupy if you will, but don't discount the sparkling dialogue and raw emotion displayed by the characters. An obvious parable? Yes, indeed. And like all good parables, what appears simplistic on the surface is actually layered with complexity.

Veteran director Irwin Winker sets his action in seemingly perpetual postcard conditions on the California coastline, with his splendid ensemble cast hammering more nails than an Amish barn raising. The actors are lead by the always divine Kevin Kline, with strong turns by Hayden Christensen, Kristen Scott Thomas, and Mary Steenbergen. LIFE AS A HOUSE is one of those rare films that delivers on many levels, making it hard to put a finger on why the film works so well. Indeed, this may be the reason why the film failed to gain wider acclaim on the red carpet of award season, for LIFE AS A HOUSE needs more than one viewing to appreciate it's riches.
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