One word...Disappointment!
1 November 2003
Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack, Billy Crystal, and Hank Azaria...America's top talent packed in one movie = Great movie right? Ank! Wrong!

Don't get me wrong...I liked this movie...but I had such high expectations.

What I liked?

The movie was undoubtedly cute and funny considering it was a satirization of today's hollywood couples. Julia Roberts once again shines as the girl we root for to finally get the guy. Yay! Catherine Zeta-Jones... she has this certain "rarrr" and "hear me roar"...I couldn't help but like her as a spoiled, arrogant fitted her so well. John Cusack is too cute...need I say more? The perfect leading man for a romantic comedy. Billy Crystal never fails to make the audience laugh. Hank Azaria with his small role, literally steals the show...I mean movie...what an actor!!! Oh and yes...hooray for the happy ending!

What I didn't like?

Yes! I know the movie is a mockery...but damn...can I say cheesy??? What cheese can you not eat? Nacho Cheese...and this is not the cheese I wanted to taste. There were times I wanted to barf watching this because everything was so fake and totally off the top. Also, I really wish their was more chemistry between Roberts and Cusack. There was so little time in finally getting them together. Honestly!!! Crystal and that dog had more sexual tension!

For the sake of romantic comedies...please focus on the romantic chemistry....that is what we want!!!
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