Review of Fraggle Rock

Fraggle Rock (1987–1988)
Just not nearly as magical as the live-action original
5 February 2001
Fraggle Rock was an excellent series developed by Jim Henson back in 1983. It was a wonderfully successful series with strong messages, a genuine development over all 93 episodes, and boasted a host of talented Muppeteers. It began with all the different species (humans, Fraggles, Gorgs) in confusion and turmoil with one another, and by the end they were all at peace together.

Now I still can't figure out why this animated resurrection came to be. I guess they just wanted to bring the fun (and popularity) of Fraggle Rock to network television (the original aired on HBO). But it just didn't measure up and the competition killed it.

Anyway, this version has faded into oblivion, and the original remains a timeless classic, so everything had a way of working out...
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