Smallville (2001–2017)
"the World of..." Saga Continues
7 September 2002
This is a great series! Having been adapted from the second of three interlocking 4~issue mini~series published by DC Comics {1987} which threw out everything that came before, and completely recreated the Superman mythos. Those three titles being "World of Krypton," "World of Smallville," and "World of Metropolis" (the basis for Lois & Clark).

The only thing "new" I've seen different from the comics is that Green Kryptonite mutates ordinary people if taken internally. As I see it, Lana hasn't been mutated by her Kryptonite necklace because it's outside of her body... whereas everyone else has ingested the Kryponite or otherwise absorbed the Kryponite into themselves through some sort of invasive procedure, therefore mutating.
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