Red Faction (2001 Video Game)
An overall great immersive FPS for the PS2.
17 July 2001
When I purchased this game I was expecting the next Goldeneye (N64) or Medal of Honor (PSX). Those two games basically set the standards for Console Shooter games. While Red Faction manages to be the best FPS (first person shooter, for those who dont know) on the PS2, it is not the best FPS ever.

---The Bad's--- There isnt much to complain about this game. There are really no major complaints about the gameplay or graphical problems (glitches, etc...). But my real gripe is the lack of Features, and the not-so-great multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode serves its main purpose (2 players killing each other). But compared to other console games like Perfect Dark (N64) and TimeSplitters (PS2) it just doesnt have enough. I was also kind of annoyed that I did not unlock or get anything after I completed the game which usually happens with other FPS's.

---The Good's--- The main selling point in this game is the "Geo-Mod" technology. This is basically the ability to destroy anything that is in the game. Dont like a certain wall or rock? Then blow it up... There are SOME parts of the game where you cannot use this feature, but it is very rare. This feature can be very fun and creative to use. For Example, there was a convoy going across a bridge, and if you fire a few rockets at the bridge, it will collapse sending them to the bottom of a canyon.

The Graphics in this game are average. The game runs at a fast speed. But sometimes the textures feel a little dull and boring. And the enemy's faces lack in variety. All the uniforms in this game could use a little variety also. There's basically the 'good' Miners (Red outfits), the 'bad' Ultor Corporation (bluish outfits), and then some scientists.

Gameplay is done excellently. The controls are very similar to the PS2 game called "Timesplitters". It will take a while to get used to the controls, but once you have it is pretty easy. And the addition of Vehicles in this game add to the level of enjoyment. The story keeps you motivated throughout the game. And frankly, its not that bad of a story. Its basically about a guy named Parker who wants to try something new in life. So he decides to become a Miner and work for the Ultor Corporation (which is on Mars). When he arrives there he learns that it really sucks being a miner. The conditions are horrible and the guards brutally assualt you. Finally, the miners start a revolt against Ultor and call themselves the Red Faction. You take control of Parker and start your journey into a very long game.

---Overall--- This game manages to keep you occupied until your finished. If your a big fan of FPS's, you might still play it after your done.

This game has good graphics, gameplay, sound, and most importantly...its pretty fun to play.
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