Shararat (2002)
A Pleasant Surprise!
6 August 2002
I had absolutely no expectations while slipping Shararat into my video player, I thought it would be yet another worn out tale of perhaps a teeny-bopper romance trying to be an eternal love story. The beginning did not disappoint me, Abhishek Bachchan(Rahul Khanna) speeding along in his fast car, involved in an inexplicable race with another gang etc..

He gets thrown in jail, and only then does the story begin to unfold. The judge, nudged on by an ambitious reporter Neha(Hrishita Bhatt), wanting a unique punishment for him, sends him to perform community service.. and that too, at an Elderly Peoples ashram! His indignation knew no bounds, and with disgust written all over him, he sets of with Neha(wanting her scoop!) to perform this torturous penance. He finds the place exactly as he anticipated, and doesn't hesitate to turn his nose up at everything.

But in spite of his rude and disrespectful ways, the elders accept him, and try and get him involved.. all except Prajapati Saab, Amrish Puri.. a cranky and snooty man who made his millions in mining. I must admit I rather enjoyed the scenes between Puri and Bachchan.. had me laughing more than once.! Rahul begins to mellow.. but can he actually change all his ways?

Rather enjoyable a movie, very different from any other Indian movie I have seen. A lot of people will consider this movie rubbish, but if you're looking for a change from the running-around-trees-in-wet-clothes scenes, this is a good choice. And the undaunting spirit of the people at the Ashram provide good fun along the way.

Music was ok, a couple of decent songs thrown in.. overall a 6/10

That's my tuppence.
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