Review of Signs

Signs (2002)
It's a bad sign that people are flocking to this piece of hack work
11 August 2002
Someone should have said, "no." The script just wasn't ready. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Sure, the 'idea' is fairly interesting, but in no way does the execution stand up. Here we are left with a movie that lacks consistency within its own logic, that in fact insults its viewers by expecting them to buy into what thin logic it does have. Primarily being a family melodrama, the first and biggest failing of this film is to have no well-crafted characters to care about. Everything here is made out of cardboard or paper (to give some sense of weight to how the denser material compares). People are so desperate for actual content in their films that they are lauding this one as a movie that makes you think. It's themes are so gracelessly shoved down the viewer's throat that there is no thinking necessary - in fact, if you think too much the end result is frustration in the overall lack of sense, logic and intelligence that "Signs" provides.
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