Review of xXx

xXx (2002)
"xXx" rates a zzz...
19 August 2002
"xXx" must rank among the most insultingly stupid scripts of the

year, ineptly directed in terms of actor/character direction, and

mindnumbingly dumbed down for its presumably intended audience. I almost walked out of "xXx" at least five times but it was

just so unfathomably bad that I was glued to the screen out of pure


Aside from probably the least-sexy screen kiss ever, Vin Diesel

does little to distinguish himself as an actor in this vehicle. His

lines are delivered as though being read off cue cards. The plot is

insipid, predictable and, surprisingly, even dated (aside from the

notion of biological weapons -- no, wait, that's been done before

and better, too).

Not a single element in this movie aside from the inclusion of

every imaginable "extreme" sport is anything that hasn't already

been included in a Bond film. Ironically, the first scene in "xXx" is

designed to let the audience know they are NOT watching a Bond

movie. It's a tongue-in-cheek (if mean-spirited, like much of the

rest of the film) nod at the Bond franchise that suggests this movie

is going to go places Bond would never dare. Well, if going

somewhere completely lacking in class and wit is where they

intended, that is just about the only fresh ground covered. So

intent were the producers on out-Bonding Bond that they ended up

creating only a pale, inexplicably illogical, dull imitation. If all a

viewer wants is to see some cool extreme sports stunts, renting a

specialized video ought to be a much more fulfilling experience,

especially since the stunts will be real and not riddled with editing

gimmicks and digital enhancements.
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