Review of Gigli

Gigli (2003)
8 October 2003
Ever wonder how Uwe Boll feels when people crap on his video game movies without ever having watched them? He should try and sit through the J'Lo/Affleck mess called Gigli.

I rented this movie once, hearing all the bad rap. Then I popped it in. Five minutes into the movie, I rewind the tape and brought it back to the video store. Five minutes into a movie and I hated it... what does that tell you about the rest of the movie?

As years went on and I grew more of a spine, I eventually decided to sit through the entire movie... and after that, arranged for an immediate lobotomy so that I can purge all memory of this drivel.

Gigli is pure garbage. There is not ONE single, solitary positive aspect to be found anywhere within this picture. There is not ONE aspect that can deem Gigli one of those "so bad it's good" films that I'll find enjoyment out of. If there is any high point to be found, it was ultimately sucked into the black hole of ineptitude that is Gigli, a film with an unlikable cast of "characters" or lack thereof, a convoluted storyline, terrible pacing, and an utter lack of chemistry among any of the cast. It's just a mess of a motion picture that somehow got approved and shipped out for public consumption, reaffirming my lack of faith in humanity.

Bottom line, if you haven't seen Gigli, then you're one of the lucky ones. AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS.
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