Scrapbook (2000 Video)
Powerful, disturbing and bold
26 August 2003
Eric Stanze's SCRAPBOOK offers no opinions and remains completely objective at all times. Cold, brutal and unflinching this is a chilling look into the mind and life of a psychopath.

Much like HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER this film is a study of a diseased mind. The film is always very real, right from the goosebump enducing credits. This film is not entertainment, rather a bold examination of the abductor/victim relationship from a fly on the wall perspective. The low production values of the film go along way to adding to its authentic feel.

In the same way Clint Eastwood's UNFORGIVEN deconstructed the western, this film goes a long way to demythologizing the serial killer image that has been built up in Hollywood. So many films paint the killers in a glamorous light often supplying them with a form of super intelligence that allows them to allude there captors at every turn. This film is for all those people under the misconception Hannibal Lecter is a believable villain and to be admired and who enjoy tripe like KISS THE GIRLS.

Portraying the serial killer as a frenzy like creature operating on animal instincts alone for self-satisfaction. At every turn this film makes a point of showing the true haneous nature of these acts and the kind of mind that perpetrates them. SCRAPBOOK forces the viewer to acknowledge the disgusting nature of physical dominance and psychological scarring. The dehumanization of a person into a piece of meat and just how wrong society's adoration of these criminals is.

Sure this film is offensive and as I stated before not entertainment. Instead its a glimpse into a world most of us would like to ignore yet is sanitized daily for mass consumption by the media.

Check it out if you dare.
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