zzzZZZzzZZzz...you have been fooled ladies and gentlemen
7 February 2003
a movie wins a couple of prizes and kazaam it's a masterpiece.

oh yeah, let's just forget that the plot is completely unoriginal and seen many many times in the movie history. sure, the dialogue is witty and filled with dry humour as it always is in aki's movies. however this is only to distract from the fact that the movie is not really going anywhere. there's nothing interesting happening and as i said, the plot is just not good.

may seem exotic for someone who's not from finland, but it's nowhere near aki's best works. why did this one win the prizes then? *shrugs*

it's definately more worthy of watching than ANY of the hollywood motion pictures released appr. the same time, so 5/10 but please cut the praise since it's really not that great at all.
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