Birds of Prey (2002–2003)
The Original Huntress is Back!!!
5 August 2002
I think it's fantastic to have the original Huntress back! This is great!! I've missed her. As for Batman being missing? Not the first time. Batman's been known to just vanish from time to time (usually leaving Robin in charge). Why the Clocktower? What was wrong with putting Barbara in the Wayne Foundation Penthouse/Batcave?? And with such a young Black Canary... can we assume Ollie's still shipwrecked on a island with pirates???

As for Batman and Catwoman having a daughter -- it began in The Flash #123 (1961), with the Golden-Age Bat-Man and Catwoman getting married in Brave and the Bold #197 (1983), and Helena Wayne becoming the Huntress in All-Star Comics #69 (1977). A more revised Catwoman history states that Selina gave up a life of crime to become a professional adventurer, and thus began dating Bruce Wayne.

The most important thing here to remember is the comics have their version and the film productions have theirs (back to the parallel universe). No one version is right or wrong. It just is. With the film production team's primary job being to draw in and hook that audience that wouldn't be caught dead reading a comic book.
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