I really thought this would be good...
5 December 2003
...but it wasn't. It's like the director thought he was making a comedic Far From Heaven. I'll give it this though: the plot twist was a surprise to me. However, I think it was a surprise because we were given maybe two clues about it and the movie moved so unbearably slow that I lost interest in anything but the one-liners half an hour into the film. It was under two hours but I seriously thought it felt like it was nearly three hours, I was shocked at how short it actually was.

It's time indie actors, writers, and producers learn that cock jokes are only funny to immature gay men and tween girls. Gay sex is not any funnier than straight sex. A man in a dress who can't act isn't any better than a woman who can't act. And what was with Charles' Dame Edna impersonation popping up occassionally?

In short, if you're a fan of Queer Eye or Queer as Folk, this is probably right up your alley. If you read Bitch magaine or don't fit the stereotype of gay men, don't bother. I expect this film to do very well with gay people in semi-rural areas when its released on video.
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