A Reason to rent Jason X on DVD
8 October 2002
So I got dragged to the theaters to see "Jason X" and I felt ripped off (even though I didn't pay). Then I get stuck in bed after a car accident, and my girlfriend rents me "Jason X" on DVD. I decided that I was not going to watch the film for a second time, but I would check out the special features. This is where I discovered "The Many Lives of Jason Voorhees" documentary. Say what you want about the "Friday the 13th" series (they suck), but this documentary is very interesting. Realizing just how much money was spent, and how much was generated was something of amazement. You realize early on (hearing from crew members of the various movies) that no one ever took these movies seriously. They saw them as money-makers, nothing else, and it works. But to say this is just a documentary about the character of Jason Voorhees, but about the horror/slasher film genre itself. From the great aspects of the genre to the criticisms of that genre and its effect on society.

In addition to the various crew members, you hear from various critics and horror film people, from Joe Bob Briggs to Mark Borchardt, director of "Coven" (see "American Movie). Plus, as an added bonus, you get to see Kane Hodder (Jason himself) unmasked. After hearing what he had to go through to play the role of Jason on four times makes me respect Kane Hodder much, much more then I ever thought I would. Overall, this documentary is worth the five dollars you'll have to shell out to rent "Jason X" (just do it in disguise when no one else is around, or have your significant other rent it for you to avoid any embarrassment).

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