Nikolaj og Julie (2002–2003)
Going from good to bad to worse
15 October 2003
The first season of "Nikolaj & Julie" was extremely good, well written and acted. The in the second season something went wrong. The story line became mediocre and foreseeable and the acting went the same way. Suddenly this was not about mid-thirties people trying to cope and handle each others problems in a serious, and most of all, realistic way, but about a group of very selfish and egocentric persons not caring about anything but their own agenda. On top of that, as mentioned, the story became secondhand and seemingly all inspiration has come from daytime soaps, only being a tad better do to better acting. New characters were introduced and written off as quickly as possible, and the whole socio demographic area that this show takes it place in, was broken up. The third season has begun, and it doesn't look better. Again new characters has been written in, apparently one of the lead acts has a retarded brother of whom we haven't heard of before, and Julie boyfriend apparently has have a drinking problem, which is reawakened by her when she offers him a snaps. Small problems a boosted to be the end of the world, and the big issues are forgotten form episode to episode, and it do not give one hope that it will improve at any point, it will only become worse.

At the moment of writing this, "Nikolaj & Julie" is the top most seen show on TV in Denmark, but then again other things that are not hard on the mind and ones intellect has been the highest rated shows before, Robinson (danish "survivor"), Popstars, Popstar, Big Brother and so on. The only thing that "Nikolaj & Julie" has that those shows do not is real actors, otherwise it's sometimes hard to see the difference, but then again art do reflect reality.
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