bathetic, maudlin, schmaltzy, mawkish to the point of being offensive.
5 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
There are several reasons why I dislike this movie. I think we're all smart enough to understand that war is a pretty horrible business. We don't need people dressed up in clown suits crying over a dying child to know this. The movie quickly loses it's point, and shifts to a 60's style anti-war romp. How many times must we watch the scene of a woman losing her Hi-Jab and becoming free. This is a scene that you'll find in Clown in Kabul. I think we even have Clowns acting it out at some point during the movie. Hmmmmm.....nice way to show how you're sensitive to the people you're trying to help. What a novel Idea: Let's send Clowns to a war ravaged country to cheer up the suffering masses....and film it so we can show others what great people we are for doing this. Why not send 1/3 the number of people over there next time, without clown suits, and a film crew. And with all the money you save, give them food and sorely needed medicals supplies instead of Balloon animals and face paint. Yeah laughter can help cure people in some ways, but no matter how hard you laugh, it won't cure hunger.
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