26 March 2004
Joel(Jim Carrey) is a confused and lonely man who falls in love with every single woman that looks at him. But things change when Joel meets Clementine(Kate Winslet), her witty charm and colorful personality brings out the best in Joel. The two of them spend some wonderful moments together but all good things must eventually come to an end. After a big fight, Joel finds out that now Clementine has no idea who he is because she has had all her memories erased of him. Joel decides that he wants to get his memories erased of her also but during the procedure, he realizes what a wonderful and magnificent love he had with Clementine and that he would like to keep those moments forever not only in his mind, but in his heart as well.

This movie was like sucking on a jawbreaker, sweet, hard and once you get used to the flavor, you never want to let go. Everything about it was just perfect, it's charming, sad, funny and most importantly, real and very special. The cast was wonderful, the beautiful Kate Winslet especially blew me away. Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo and Kirsten Dunst were also great and very entertaining in their roles. This movie is truly great and those of us who love a little strangeness in our lives, will adore it. I would give Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 9/10.
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