An Endearing and Poignant Journey of Acceptance
21 November 2003
I enjoyed getting the opportunity to view this particular film at the Paramount during the film festival. As I watched it, some aspects of the film reminded me of the movie "Stand By Me". Perhaps, I felt a connection between the portrayal of the strong relationships and endearing and poignant journeys of the three young boys in "When Zachary Beaver Came to Town" and the group of boys in "Stand By Me". Although, it was obviously adapted some from the book, (which so many films are); I felt like it was successful in capturing what to me was the most important message, Acceptance. Furthermore, the film portrayed a wide range of examples of acceptance... (acceptance of self, differences, life and death,) which not only included the primary characters, but also involved the whole town in the film. I appreciate when a film actually contains meaningful and relative lessons in life, yet remains equally entertaining at the same time. The film, "When Zachary Beaver Came to Town", is definitely one that can evoke a wide range of emotions on the viewer's part. Hopefully, it will make it to the "Big Screen" in some form or fashion, so others can get a chance to enjoy it.
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