Alert the medical profession - the cure for insomnia has been found
8 October 2003
Everyone knows Kelly Clarkson, right? That chick who won that American Idol ages ago and made a career for herself with a couple decent-selling albums? She seemed to do fine as far as I know. Don't really follow her all that much (not my kind of music), but she's making a career out of it, at least.

Lucky for her too, because Justin has been off the radar somewhat as of late.

In 2003, Kelly (the first Idol winner) and Justin (the first Idol runnerup) were shoehorned into a movie called From Justin to Kelly, without a doubt the best movie that ever put me to sleep... I'm not joking. I have rarely seen a movie which bored me to tears, but this takes the cake.

Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of the movie type where every one breaks into song for no apparent reason, but I've seen Grease and that didn't put me to sleep. It probably wouldn't help the movie's cause any way, as it has a cliché plot, uninteresting characters, and acting that makes pre-school make-believe sessions seem like Shakespeare in comparison.

The only thing that could have saved this movie is Simon Cowell showing up after every song and berating the cast and crew for such a dreadful number. Oh well.

Moral of the story: when starring in rubbish like this, having a rack helps. Someone should have clued that Justin fellow in on that trade secret.

Please don't watch this movie. It's not worth your time.
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