Review of Ham & Cheese

Ham & Cheese (2004)
1 February 2004
I just saw this small independant film at the Victoria Film Festival, and like my one line summary would suggest, it's hilarious. Absolutely hysterical. Seriously, I was never a fan of indies, untill my mother of all people turned me on to them, and I'm so glad too, or else I could never have discovered a gem like this.

It's the story of two guys who are trying to make it in the acting business, but there's only one problem, they suck. But the great thing is, they believe in themselves so wholeheartedly that they're blind to any harsh critism they take and keep plugging along. Great acting by the two lead guys, I don't know their names, but their characters names are Richard and Barry. It follows a format a lot like that basketball movie Hoop Dreams, where you have two sepearte stories that inter-weave. There are some wicked cameo performances by 2 of the "Kids and the Hall" guys. So funny. If you get a chance, see this movie, it won't disappoint.
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