Ankle Biters (2002 Video)
The worst movie I have ever seen
28 February 2004
I rented this movie thinking that I would probably get a good laugh out of it.

I wasn't even able to watch it for more than ten minutes, and this coming from someone who watches "ShowGirls" for kicks.

Bad, bad, bad. The acting was awful, the cinematography was hideous, the costumes were ridiculous, the plot was non-existent, even the props were the worst I'd ever seen in a movie. They even borrowed lines from Jerry Maguire!

I love to watch bad movies, but I just couldn't stand this movie. I tried, I really did...I kept thinking "Maybe the next scene will be better", but I couldn't. It was a complete waste of my time, and my vote for the worst movie of the year, decade...century even.

Do not waste your money on this movie and make the same mistake I did. As much as I love wretched low budget B movies with bad plots, this one really belongs in the trash.
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