is this what they call subjective journalism then?
14 March 2003
shame on bashir and shaw for being completely one-sided and prejudicing michael jackson before they ever even started shooting. it's clear they had only one idea; to make jackson look as bad as possible. i felt like i was sort of watching a sun tabloid. bashir is no better than any of the paparazzi's following. but michael wanted to be honest well there you go then.

i don't have an opinion about jackson in the issues raised on this document, since i can assure you I DON'T THINK I REALLY KNOW michael jackson after seeing this document. sure he seems strange and guilty of lying at points but no matter how hard you look you can't tell anything for certain about him, can you? please remember that when you start bashing him. meanwhile bashir catches every little mistake or a sign of "notnormaladultbehaviour", that jackson makes. "omfg he went on the stage early. holy **** he's climbing trees!" use your own brain, people and don't let bashir lead you.


"Propaganda is ... the deliberate attempt by some individual or group to form, control, or alter the attitudes of other groups by the use of instruments of communication, with the intention that in any given situation the reaction of those so influenced will be that desired by the propagandist."

oh, and btw ask yourself who is the craziest; weird michael, paranoid bashir, insane crying screaming dancing fans, or me for watching this document in the first place?
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