Tree-hugging leftist liberal that I am...
7 July 2004
I make no apologies for my politics or for the fact that I think Michael Moore is a genius. He shows us the unsanitized aspects of the war that some people would rather keep hidden (charred bodies hanging from the bridge, screaming and suffering Iraqi civilians, our own soldiers revelling in the destruction they've inflicted) and raises some serious questions about where "our" president's loyalties lie and to whom the administration is beholden (it ain't us!) Now, having said that, I am aware that Mr. Moore is a master of the insinuation and perhaps false impression-without uttering a false word-but then again, the footage speaks for itself. When George Bush stands there and smugly tells the outrageously wealthy white-tie audience, "You're my base" he is simply revealing himself for what he is and what he cares about, and he needed no embellishment from Michael Moore. It is what it is, folks. No matter what else you may think he is-activist, traitor, whatever-Michael Moore is a superb storyteller who has shown a lot of growth as a filmmaker and entertainer. Give 'em hell, Mike!
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