Yawnfest cannot compare to original
10 April 2004
I saw this movie after - and only after - I had been assured that it compared favorably to the original. I'll never be able to trust those people again. This is another "horror" film that isn't scary, isn't original in any way, and doesn't have any particular redeeming value whatsoever. It's shot like a typical commercial or music video director would shoot, and the story suffers in the same way - there is no real character development and no dramatic development to sustain a feature length. What we do have here is essentially the video game version of the original. Retained are the shoot-em-up scenes of zombie butchery, but gone are the elements of humor and humanity that made the original so original in the first place. The only attempts at humanizing the film are so utterly misplaced as to be absurd or laughable. It's a one note movie and that note is one that really ought to leave it's audience feeling disgusted at the end - not because of the gore, but because of the utter waste of time we have been subjected to.
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