AVP haters don't know what they're talking about
14 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Well after about 13 years of waiting I finally saw AVP on opening night. I was very pleased with the outcome. Leading up to the opening of the film, the net (IMDB included) was full of fanboys talking all kinds of trash. W.S. Anderson sucks, this movie will suck, blah, blah, blah. Well they are wrong! I don't know what the Comic Book Store guys of the world were expecting, but the movie kicks ass and don't let anyone tell you different. AVP haters are the same kind of people that worship the ground George Lucas walks on while at the same time ripping the new movies for "not being like the originals." Whatever. I've said my piece now on to the movie.

MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD The first 30 minutes or so is a bit slow, as they need to lay down the story and introduce you to the future dead humans. Wisely, the movie doesn't concentrate on the humans too much as Anderson knows who are the real stars of this show. The Predators make their entrance into the movie with a look onboard their ship as it approaches Earth. Their computer displays are all projected in 3-D, probably so they can see them with their infrared vision. The infrared vision by the way is a bit changed from the first two movies. It's more refined and not as blurry as the original movie's vision. More computerized is the best way I can describe it. The Predator's weapons are the same as in the first two films with the exception of this throwing star with retractable blades that is at least as badass as their plasma cannons, which by the way you won't be seeing as much. The Alien/Predator fights are really spectacular although in a few sequences you can barely see what's happening as everything is moving too fast and the camera is really zoomed in. It reminded me of a Godzilla movie at those moments. Still, the power of these two heavyweights is awesome to behold and both the Aliens and the Predators give and take in this battle. There are casualties on both sides, just about all the humans die,(of course) and despite the PG-13 rating, there is plenty of violence and blood. At least of the glowing green and acid kind. The Predators didn't make much use of their cloaking devices in this one. It didn't help them too much anyway. You come to see this movie for the stars, not for the acting,(sucks) or the storyline(minimal). By the way that the votes are going so far I would say that you are either going to love this movie or hate it. Oh, I almost forgot. They set it up for a sequel. I won't tell you how but it looks pretty cool. This is the best movie to come out since Dawn of the Dead. F***** awesome!!!!!!!!
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