An insult to my intelligence
12 October 2003
Running on Karma

I am once again disappointed by Johnnie To and Wai Ka Fai. What happened to the talent that shown so brightly in their macho cop and robber films? Perhaps, and it is an easy conclusion to reach, that is the only type of films they know how to make well.

The gimmick of this film was that Andy Lau wore a muscle suit. Except, other than its being a gimmick, it in fact served no purpose whatsoever in the film! Almost all the publicity for the film beforehand was based on this, and it is rather shocking to find that it was just that, and the ploy played no part in the film.

Where do I begin? The story, to start with, was so muddled that it left me wondering who gave the green light to its being released. I can see what the film was trying to say, about reincarnation, about the Bhuddist idea of karma, of planting the seeds of good and helping it germinate, about how that alone is no guarantee that things will turn out better. But the plot line was so confused (not confusing, but confused, though it was the former as well), the presentation so plain and directionless, that the entire experience left a sour taste in my mouth as I left the theatre.

I would not even bother to give a plot summary, since I do not recommend anyone see this anyway. There are other bad films one can waste his/her time with.

For all those who say this was a good, or even excellent film, I am glad for them. Blessed are those easily satisfied, though not understanding something (whether by its being truly complicated or merely by atrocious presentation) does not make it deep.
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