Last Exile (2003)
I am in utter AWE of this series!
14 March 2004
Tech TV performed an incredible service by running a marathon of this incredible series. I'm taping and watching the first tape as I type.

Words cannot express what an incredible find this show is! I haven't felt this entranced by Anime since the first time I saw Miyazaki's work.

I've never seen anything like the airship designs herein. Rather than airplanes and dirigibles, everything seems to be magnetic repulsion and steam engines. The aerial warships are a wonderful blend of aircraft carrier and battleship.

But all the great design wouldn't mean a thing if there was not an engaging tale. Even briefly seen characters demand our attention, like the musketeer and ship's captain in the first episode.

Well, back to watching more of the show. I've definitely got to get this on DVD!
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