The Alice (2004 TV Movie)
A wonderful film
5 August 2004
The mix of excellent acting with the Australian outback as a backdrop (or was it the other way around ?), together with a musical score supporting a quirky script can only bode well for the Australian film industry. And it was the quirkiness which made this movie a success.

Good to see Anne-Louise Lambert again, not sighted since Changi. Erik Thomson and Caitlin McDougall stole the show, but were ably supported by Brett Stiller, Simon Burke and Jessica Napier. And not to forget the the sheep, which could fall asleep on cue !(or did they use one of Mark Latham's policy speeches to put the beast to rest?)

"The Germans" may have been straight out of Fawlty Towers, preparing for their worshiping of the Eclipse, shot in the beautiful Rainbow Valley, discovered only in the 1970s by Europeans. Let's hope this was the pilot of a series with many episodes to come ! Black comedy, under the Eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus phenax), perhaps not understood by many viewers, passion and compassion in the bush, with characters from all walks of life - a must see - even for people from South Australia.
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