Uplifting and Sensitive Mystery-cum-Romance
6 October 2004
I wasn't expecting much from this movie, as it looked like just another of those made-for-TV daytime slot-fillers. However I warmed to the growing atmosphere it was creating, and I was surprised to see Terry Farrell acting with far more emotional depth than I had expected (given that I had only previously seen her in DS9). Also, despite a slowish start, the plot began to intrigue me, and it rapidly seemed to grow into a full-blown murder mystery-cum-romance. The colourful photography presented the pretty locations well. Although aspects of the plot were transparent from the start (it was all about an adopted woman's search for her real parents) the final denouement was by no means predictable, and very satisfying (you'll have to see the movie to see what I mean by satisfying). Overall an enjoyable and sensitive movie, with well-acted emotional depth, especially by Terry and some of the other cast.
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